Reading is especially fun when it's for a good cause! That's why we read page after page today to raise as much money as possible for our fundraising campaign. Our pupils looked for sponsors in advance, who donated a certain amount for every page read. ...
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We received a fantastic book donation from the Rotary Club of Dorsten today. 125 books were distributed to our pupils. There was great joy and many wanted to start reading the story of Florentine and her circus pig straight away. Many thanks to the Rotary Club Dorsten for this!
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Pupils from Paul-Spiegel-Berufskolleg (our cooperation partner) had devised the outdoor sports park on the former Fürst Leopold colliery site. Today, pupils from the Neue Schule Dorsten were allowed to try everything out. Everyone quickly agreed: we'll be back as soon as possible!
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Preparations for our "Reading for UNICEF" campaign are in full swing. Firstly, all classes visited the Dorsten public library. Here, each pupil borrowed a book. And on 5 November, the time has come for our pupils to read for children in Madagascar. ...
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The first hiking day at Neue Schule Dorsten took all classes to Irrland in Kevelaer. Here we were able to romp around in the hay, jump around on bouncy castles, ride go-karts, observe animals, take a break, discover a maze, construct transport systems in a maize hall or even build castles with giant Lego bricks. ...
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On 21 August 2018, the time had come: the cooperation partners of Neue Schule Dorsten signed the cooperation agreements, which state that Gesamtschule Wulfen, Paul-Spiegel-Berufskolleg and Gymnasium Petrinum would like to work very closely together in the future.
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Preparations for the survey of parents in the 3rd and 4th grades of Dorsten's primary schools are in full swing. The parent survey will be launched following the parent information evenings. We look forward to your numerous participation and support.
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Good teaching is the central task of a school and depends on various factors. What do scientific studies say? John Hattie* has identified various influencing factors that have a decisive impact on the quality of teaching in a highly regarded major study. We at the Neue Schule Dorsten work on the basis of these findings. ...
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The teaching team includes teachers from both lower and upper secondary level. The school management, didactic management and department management form the management team of the Neue Schule Dorsten. Stable class groups and a fixed team of teachers for each year group ensure that all students receive good support and individualised assistance at all times ...
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In order to be able to utilise all of the pupils' talents and to keep educational paths open, the school cooperates with the city's upper secondary schools with different profiles: the Petrinum grammar school, the Wulfen comprehensive school and the Paul-Spiegel vocational college. This ensures the best possible, individualised access to education for the pupils. ...
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Contact information
New School Dorsten
  • Juliusstraße 1, 46284 Dorsten
  • 02362/28435100
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