Especially at a time when we don't meet up regularly with friends or at school and we sometimes "get on each other's nerves" at home, you can get help. If you don't have anyone to confide your worries in right now, ...
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Baking waffles for maths lessons!?? Thank you dear parents!!!!! The children have not been able to attend school for 3 weeks. Not only that - for children and parents, this also meant "staying at home" due to health and safety issues. A huge challenge for the ...
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Tobias Klähn (right), a teacher at our school, accepted a large donation of the latest board games on behalf of our pupils. Carsten Hantke handed over the donation on behalf of Mr Trucker Kinderhilfe - a charitable organisation that supports children and families in need. ...
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The good news came from the Mensa association - the organisation for giftedness: we have been nominated for the IQ Prize and have made it to the final selection. Our concept was convincing - our work has been recognised beyond the borders of Dorsten and the Münster district government. ...
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We are a talent school... what does that mean now? In the new school year, we have been accepted into the exclusive circle of talent schools in NRW. Only 25 schools of all school types in NRW can now plan to receive intensive support from the Ministry. And we are among them! Who could become a Talent School ...
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The last few days have been very exciting in the 6th grade German lessons, as the respective class winners of the reading competition were sought. In the class competition, all pupils had to present a book and read a passage of their choice. But in the end ...
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[cmsmasters_row data_padding_bottom="50″ data_padding_top="0″ data_bg_parallax_ratio="0.5″ data_bg_size="cover" data_bg_attachment="scroll" data_bg_repeat="no-repeat" data_bg_position="top centre" data_color="default" data_bot_style="default" data_top_style="default" data_padding_right="3″ data_padding_left="3″ data_width="boxed"][cmsmasters_column data_width="1/1″][cmsmasters_text animation_delay="0″] On 06.09.2019, the 11 children who took part in the gifted and talented programme last school year went to the planetarium in Bochum! More about the trip to the planetarium in ...
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Our project days have given us many new experiences and impressions. We show them with our handprint: We belong!
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Children reading for children in Madagascar: Our pupils proudly handed over a cheque for 359.47 euros to UNICEF for the "Let us learn" education project in Madagascar. Afterwards, everyone learnt that learning to read and write is just a dream for millions of children and that UNICEF ...
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What actually happens if you don't hold on properly while travelling on the school bus? How do you manage to get on without pushing and shoving? And what is the correct behaviour if you want to change sides of the road after getting off the bus? These and many other questions were ...
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Contact information
New School Dorsten
  • Juliusstraße 1, 46284 Dorsten
  • 02362/28435100
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